Wednesday, 21 March 2012

The role of Media on aggression against women

Some scholars believe that aggression against women is related to media sexual violence. Media affects either directly or indirectly on sexual behavior of men. TV shows influence on people’s thought patterns in their sexual activities. For example   “a civil suit brought against NBC television alleged that the portrayal of rape in a television movie, Born Innocent, directly resulted in an imitation rape by several juvenile viewers”. Although, thought patterns of sexual motivation is not only shaped by media exposure, magazines and TV shows such as movies, advertisements and etc, have a main role, but not linear, in the way that some viewers act in their sexual life.
In an academic study, Malamuth and Check found that “college men’s frequency of reading explicit magazines correlated positively with their beliefs that women enjoy forced sex”.
Some studies indicate that men’s aggression against women is not directly related to what they watch on media and there are certain naturalistic variable in their individual life which learnt by them during their life span. But the thing is that according to observational learning theory, people learn everything through observing in their life span especially in their childhood that television has an important part in children’s daily life.

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